eIDAS smart cards
In the offer you will find quality smart cards manufactured by Gemalto (THALES), which meet the requirements of eIDAS. At the customer's request, all offered smart cards can be supplemented with a contactless part (for physical identification of persons, entrances to buildings, entrances to car parks, etc.). Cards with a contact PKI part and a contactless part are referred to as hybrid. The offer also includes Mifare smart cards.

High-quality THALES (Gemalto) IDPrime 940 authentication smart card is a highly secure card that meets the highest security requirements and the...

High-quality THALES (Gemalto) IDPrime 941 EM4200 is a highly secure card that meets the highest security requirements. SafeNet IDPrime smart...

The high-quality IDPrime MD 840 authentication smart card is a highly secure card that meets the highest security requirements and the requirements...

The high-quality IDPrime MD 840 B authentication smart card (Part code: O1090485) is a highly secure card that meets the highest security...

High-quality THALES (Gemalto) IDPrime 940B pre-cut authentication smart card is a highly secure card that meets the highest security requirements...

High-quality THALES (Gemalto) IDPrime 941 Mifare Desfire 4K EV2 is a highly secure card that meets the highest security requirements. SafeNet...