How to uninstall IDGo 800 minidriver and install Safenet Authentication Client on Mac OS?

Gemalto customers migrating from IDGo 800 must uninstall their version of IDGo 800 and install SafeNet Authentication Client.

If you have the original version of the IDGo 800 driver installed on your Mac, Safenet Authentication will not install (installation will be denied). Follow the procedure below to uninstall the old IDGo 800 minidriver installation. It will then be possible to install the Safenet Authentication Client.

First save the following code in the main Documents folder as file You can save it in a text editor or Notepad. 


# script shell for uninstallation/removing of IDGo 800 PKCS#11 package

set -x

set -e

echo Deleting /usr/local/lib/pkcs11

rm -rf /usr/local/lib/pkcs11

echo Deleting /usr/local/lib/libidprimepkcs11.0.dylib

rm -rf /usr/local/lib/libidprimepkcs11.0.dylib

echo Deleting /Library/Frameworks/GemaltoIDGo800PKCS11.framework

rm -rf /Library/Frameworks/GemaltoIDGo800PKCS11.framework

echo Deleting /Library/Security/tokend/PKCS11.tokend

rm -rf /Library/Security/tokend/PKCS11.tokend

echo Deleting /usr/local/lib/IDPrimePKCS11

rm -rf /usr/local/lib/IDPrimePKCS11

echo Deleting /Applications/Gemalto

rm -rf /Applications/Gemalto

echo Deleting /Library/LaunchAgents/pinGuiForTokend

rm -rf /Library/LaunchAgents/pinGuiForTokend

echo Deleting /etc/IDGo800/

rm -rf /etc/IDGo800

echo Done. IDGo 800 PKCS11 was successfully removed

  1. Open Terminal.
  2. Copy “cd Documents” (without quotation marks) and press Enter 
  3. Copy "chmod 755 ./" (without quotation marks) and press Enter 
  4. Copy "sudo ~ /Documents/" (without quotation marks) and press Enter

Everything should be uninstalled and it should be possible to install SafeNet Authentication Client.

If you need any help, you can buy our online tech support (MS Teams, TeamViewer or Google Meet).

Would you like to have your SafeNet Authentication Client updated? Buy our maintenance service of SAC